Opposition MP Ketan Lal has criticized Justice Minister Siromi Turaga’s decision to place Commissioner of Corrections Dr. Jalesi Nakarawa on leave, labeling it as “procedurally questionable and an overreach of ministerial powers.” As the shadow justice minister, Mr. Lal emphasized that the Commissioner of Corrections holds an independent constitutional position appointed by the President, and therefore, should not be influenced by the directives of a line minister regarding employment issues.
Mr. Lal expressed concern that this action reflects a serious misunderstanding of the limits of ministerial authority. He suggested that if there were legitimate concerns regarding the Fiji Corrections Service (FCS), the minister ought to have followed a proper legal process by raising the issue with the Constitutional Offices Commission (COC) instead of taking unilateral action.
He further asserted that the abrupt nature of Dr. Nakarawa’s leave, especially without clarity about the allegations faced, has the potential to erode public confidence in the government and its institutions.
This situation underlines the vital importance of clarity and adherence to established protocols within government roles, which is essential for fostering public trust and ensuring effective governance. By advocating for accountability and transparency, there is hope that the government will align itself with democratic principles, which can ultimately strengthen public institutions and support the rule of law.
Summary: Opposition MP Ketan Lal has called out Justice Minister Siromi Turaga’s decision to place Commissioner of Corrections Dr. Jalesi Nakarawa on leave as a troubling misuse of ministerial power. He highlighted the independence of the commissioner’s role and criticized the lack of transparency surrounding the decision, suggesting that proper processes should have been followed to maintain public trust in government institutions.
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