Illustration of Education Minister directs FSSRU to uphold victory of Bucalevu

Minister Steps In: Bucalevu’s Rugby Victory Reinstated!

Education Minister Aseri Radrodro has announced the reinstatement of the U17 Bucalevu Secondary School rugby team from Taveuni. In a statement on social media, Radrodro confirmed that Bucalevu won their match fairly and should be allowed to continue in the competition. He instructed the Permanent Secretary to notify the Fiji Secondary Schools Rugby Union (FSSRU) executives that the results of the game must be honored. Bucalevu claimed victory over Nabua Secondary School in the Fiji Secondary School Deans competition play-off last weekend. However, the management team from Nabua lodged a complaint with the FSSRU, alleging that Bucalevu had fielded an underage player.

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