Military’s Role in Fiji’s Truth and Reconciliation Sparks Debate

The national truth and reconciliation process in Fiji should include the military, as it has played a dual role as both a perpetrator and a victim throughout the country’s troubled political landscape since 1987. Ratu Viliame Seruvakula, chairman of the Great Council of Chiefs and a former soldier, emphasized that the military must be part of the truth and reconciliation efforts.

During public consultations for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Ratu Viliame highlighted significant issues within the military and their implications for national healing. He pointed out that soldiers take a sacred oath upon joining the military, yet many face emotional turmoil when ordered to perform actions that betray that oath.

“When the oath is violated because soldiers are ordered by superiors to carry out tasks they did not agree to, it causes deep pain,” Ratu Viliame stated. He noted that soldiers must live with the consequences of their actions, and it is essential for both perpetrators and victims to confront these issues together.

Drawing on insights from General Derrick van Maren of South Africa, Ratu Viliame discussed the complex nature of reconciliation. He indicated that personal and institutional healing is contingent on acknowledging past actions, seeking mutual understanding, and ultimately leaving the resolution to a higher power.

He recognized that while the reconciliation process is critical for healing, its effectiveness relies on the engagement of both victims and perpetrators. Ratu Viliame posed a crucial question about the emotional relief for victims, suggesting that while they may express acceptance, true healing is often a divine matter.

“This process is a good beginning, but its success depends on all participants—both victims and perpetrators,” he asserted. Ratu Viliame acknowledged that while this initiative may not erase past wrongs or lift individual burdens completely, it represents an invaluable chance for dialogue and understanding.

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