Military’s Promising Role in National Reconciliation Revealed

Major-General Ro Jone Kalouniwai, a military commander, has pledged that the military will play an active role in the national reconciliation process. He stated that while the military is starting its own initiatives, the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) will collaborate with the national truth and reconciliation committee.

Maj-Gen Kalouniwai emphasized that their involvement does not preclude them from engaging at a higher level. In an interview, he expressed the military’s commitment to support the committee’s efforts, describing the initial steps being taken as crucial.

He noted that their participation is intended to facilitate the committee’s work and promote a more effective reconciliation process for the nation. “We will piggyback on them,” he remarked, underscoring the importance of the RFMF in fostering relationships with individuals impacted by the coups.

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