Military Sets Stage for Internal Reconciliation Ahead of National Truth Process

Military Commander Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai expressed optimism about the military’s involvement in the upcoming Truth and Reconciliation process. He stated that the military is focusing on achieving internal reconciliation before engaging in the national initiative.

Kalouniwai confirmed that the military has been invited to join the National Truth and Reconciliation process but emphasized the importance of completing their internal reconciliation first. He highlighted the need for the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) to build trust and confidence with the public, ensuring they are fully reconciled before participating in the national dialogue.

He noted that the internal reconciliation will also help soldiers gain the confidence needed for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) campaign. “I am cautious about conducting our process first so that when they face the national panel, they can share their experiences within the framework of limitations,” he explained, referencing experiences from 1987 onwards.

However, the proposed reconciliation process raises questions regarding its implications for victims and accountability. The complexity of the initiative may elicit a spectrum of reactions, from skepticism to positivity. One of the central challenges will be to encourage public ownership and participation in the national process.

For the initiative to succeed, it is crucial to raise awareness about the significance of the TRC, motivating citizens to recount their experiences. Facilitating open dialogue during consultations will also allow individuals to express their concerns and ask essential questions.

Engaging with challenging topics and addressing inquiries about the reconciliation process’s alignment with constitutional provisions will be important to ensure fairness and effectiveness. While the RFMF shows commitment to internal reconciliation, the success of the national Truth and Reconciliation process will largely depend on broad participation and constructive dialogue. By actively engaging and supporting this initiative, the nation can strive towards effective healing and understanding among all parties involved.

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