Military Commander’s Bold Warning on Potential Attorney-General Appointment

Military Commander Ro Jone Kalouniwai has defended his stance regarding the appointment of Filimoni Vosarogo as a potential attorney-general, asserting that he was fulfilling his duty. In an interview on The Lens@177, Kalouniwai explained that within the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), officers hold the responsibility to ensure that actions align with proper procedures.

He highlighted that if someone is not acting appropriately, it is their duty to guide them in the right direction. Kalouniwai expressed concern about the implications of Vosarogo’s appointment, advising the minister to exercise caution, as the Constitution specifies that a legal officer with any misdemeanour should not hold such a position.

He stressed the importance of conveying concerns about potential repercussions, stating that it is essential for the government to understand the legal, social, economic, and security consequences of their decisions.

When asked what would happen if the minister disregarded his warnings, Kalouniwai indicated that it would ultimately be the minister’s decision. He affirmed that his role includes providing advice, and he has fulfilled his constitutional responsibility by doing so.

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