Military Commander Sounds Alarm on Potential A-G Appointment

Military Commander Ro Jone Kalouniwai has defended his remarks regarding the proposed appointment of Filimoni Vosarogo as attorney-general, stating that he was fulfilling his duty. In an appearance on The Lens@177, he explained that within the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), there is an understanding that officers bear certain responsibilities concerning their conduct and that of others.

Kalouniwai emphasized the importance of voicing concerns if something seems amiss. He mentioned that his communications with the minister were meant to caution that appointing Vosarogo could have significant implications. He highlighted that the Constitution stipulates that a legal officer with a misdemeanour should not assume such a position.

“My concern lies with the potential repercussions of certain actions, and as a senior officer, it is my duty to advise the minister accordingly,” he stated. He asserted that it is preferable to express these concerns to assist the Government in recognizing the consequences of their decisions from legal, social, economic, and security perspectives.

When asked about the potential inaction from the minister regarding his advice, Ro Kalouniwai said it ultimately rests with the minister to make that choice, and he would be responsible for the outcome. He reiterated that informing the minister and providing guidance is a critical aspect of his Constitutional responsibilities.

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