Military Commander Questions New Attorney-General’s Suitability

Military Commander Ro Jone Kalouniwai has justified his remarks against the proposed appointment of Filimoni Vosarogo as attorney-general, asserting that he was fulfilling his obligation. In an appearance on The Lens@177, he explained that within the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), there is a principle where officers take responsibility for guiding proper conduct.

Kalouniwai noted, “If someone is not acting rightly, it is our duty to inform them and suggest a better direction.” Addressing the Vosarogo situation, he stated, “I was simply advising the minister to proceed with caution; there could be significant implications in placing Fili in that role.”

He emphasized that the Constitution stipulates that a legal officer with any form of misconduct should not occupy the position in question. “I am concerned about the potential repercussions, and as a senior officer, it is my duty to convey this advice to the minister.”

He added, “It is crucial for us to express these concerns.” He articulated that his input is meant to aid the Government in understanding the potential legal, social, economic, and security ramifications of such an appointment.

When asked what might happen if the minister disregards his recommendations, Ro Kalouniwai acknowledged that it is ultimately the minister’s decision. “He will be accountable for his choices. I have done my part by sharing my advice based on what has occurred.”

He concluded by affirming that fulfilling this role is integral to his Constitutional duties.

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