Military Commander Issues Stark Warning on A-G Appointment

Military Commander Ro Jone Kalouniwai has justified his public stance against the potential appointment of Filimoni Vosarogo as attorney-general, emphasizing that he was fulfilling his responsibilities. In an interview on The Lens@177, Kalouniwai discussed the expectations within the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) regarding accountability among officers.

He stated, “If someone is not acting appropriately, it’s our duty to advise them to correct their course.” Regarding Vosarogo, he expressed concern to the minister, indicating the potential implications of placing Vosarogo in that role.

Kalouniwai reiterated the constitutional requirement that a legal officer with a misdemeanor should not assume that position. He highlighted his responsibility to inform the minister about the potential repercussions of such a decision from legal, social, economic, and security perspectives.

He noted, “It’s essential we communicate these concerns to assist the Government in understanding the implications of their actions.” When asked about the minister’s response to his advice, Kalouniwai acknowledged that it was ultimately the minister’s decision, and he would be accountable for any outcomes.

“I’m doing my part by providing this advice as part of my constitutional duty,” he concluded.

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