Military Chief Raises Red Flags on A-G Appointment

Military Commander Ro Jone Kalouniwai has defended his decision to voice concerns regarding the appointment of Filimoni Vosarogo as a potential attorney-general, stating that it was part of his duty. During an interview on The Lens@177, he explained the responsibilities within the Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF), highlighting the importance of officers holding one another accountable.

Kalouniwai emphasized the need to inform officials when something is amiss, saying, “If somebody doesn’t do something right, we have the responsibility to tell them, you’re not really right, you need to move in this direction.” In relation to Vosarogo, he indicated that he was simply advising the minister to exercise caution, as appointing Vosarogo could have significant implications.

He pointed out that the Constitution stipulates that any legal officer with a misdemeanour should not hold that position. “My concern is the repercussion of things happening, so it’s my responsibility as a senior officer to provide that advice to the minister,” he stated. Kalouniwai believes it is crucial to communicate concerns regarding potential consequences that could arise legally, socially, economically, and from a security standpoint.

When asked what might occur if the minister disregards his concerns, Kalouniwai acknowledged that it was ultimately the minister’s decision to make, saying, “He will have to answer for that himself. I’m playing my part, I’m telling him what has happened, my advice and that is what I need to do. That is part of my Constitutional responsibility.”

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