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Martin Iakoba: First from Rabi Island to Win Prestigious Baton of Honour at Fiji Police Force Ceremony

Martin Iakoba, a native of Rabi Island, was recently awarded the Baton of Honour in recognition of his exceptional performance as the best recruit of Batch 67 in the Fiji Police Force. This makes him the first individual from the island to earn this prestigious honor.

Iakoba, son of the Rabi Council of Leaders administrator Jacob Karutake, was celebrated by his proud father who praised his unyielding determination and hard work from a young age. These qualities have equipped him to overcome the daunting challenges he encountered during his early weeks of intensive police training, leading to this significant accomplishment.

Speaking of his journey, Martin reminisced about the testing initial phase, the daily rigors, and moments of doubt. Yet he remained driven by the stakes at play – realizing his childhood dream of becoming a police officer to help ensure community safety. Despite falling short on his first application to the force in 2020, his resolute mindset and commitment led to his acceptance into the BRC 67 Training and ultimate success.

Throughout his training, Iakoba’s unwavering focus, leadership, and dedication were recognized by both peers and instructors, contributing to his significant award. He advises that mental toughness and perseverance are key, emphasizing that each challenge can be a chance to prove oneself and make one’s family and community proud.

As Martin gears up to serve in the Fiji Police Force, he eagerly awaits reconnecting with his community to share his experiences. As Jacob Karutake expressed, his son’s achievement is a victory for their entire village – a testament to what can be accomplished with determination and hard work.

Martin’s journey serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring individuals from small communities, proving that dreams can become reality with commitment and perseverance. As he assumes his new duty as a police officer, he represents not only a peacekeeper but also an emblem of potential success through perseverance.

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