Martha Mataele, the talented Black Fern, is embarking on an exciting new chapter as she joins the Parramatta Eels for a two-year contract that will extend until 2026. Known for her electrifying speed and agility, Mataele is expected to boost the Eels’ backline and enhance their offensive capabilities.
Parramatta Eels Football General Manager Mark O’Neill spoke highly of Mataele, stating, “Martha is an exciting footballer who can light up the field with her speed and agility. Her talent will add an extra attacking threat and strengthen our backline. We’re excited to see her make an impact in the NRLW.”
Mataele herself expressed her enthusiasm about the transition from rugby union to rugby league, stating, “I’m thrilled to be joining the Parramatta Eels and bringing my skills to rugby league. The Eels are a growing force in the NRLW, and I’m excited to take on this new chapter in my career. I’m passionate about supporting the growth of women’s sport and leaving a legacy that inspires others to step up and take on new challenges.”
This move comes at a time when women’s sports are increasingly gaining recognition and support, highlighting the rising opportunities for female athletes. Mataele’s decision to switch codes not only showcases her versatility but also underscores her commitment to advancing women’s sports and encouraging others to pursue their ambitions.
Overall, Mataele’s integration into the Eels is a hopeful indicator of the bright future for women’s rugby league, as her presence can pave the way for further investment and interest in the sport.
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