Longevity Secrets: The Unconventional Wisdom of Fiji’s 90-Year-Old Rick Rickman

Rick Rickman, who is approaching his 90th birthday, believes that an individual’s character plays a significant role in how one experiences life at this age. Once an avid golfer, he has shifted his leisure activities to reading, writing, occasional acrylic painting, and enjoying a drink, primarily due to a knee issue that impacted his ability to play golf.

Mr. Rickman, the former secretary of the Fiji Golf Association, expresses his artistic endeavors as heavily influenced by his mood, stating, “I paint what I see, probably not what you see in the mirror.” His artistic journey began after attending the London School of Printing and Fine Arts for three years, an experience that led him to serve in the Royal Air Force.

Regarding his health and longevity, Mr. Rickman attributes it to his diet, particularly his consumption of homemade remedies consisting of turmeric, ginger, and lemon. “Turmeric is magical,” he asserts, noting that he has utilized this combination over the past 22 years to help manage cancer risks. He is also meticulous about the quality of meat he consumes, favoring aged sirloin and locally sourced pork.

On the topic of COVID-19 vaccinations, Mr. Rickman shares his critical perspective, proposing that a significant percentage of vaccinated individuals may face health issues in the coming years. He attributes the loss of two friends to what he labels “turbo cancer,” a term associated with conspiracy theories about vaccination side effects. While he emphasizes the body’s natural ability to build immunity, he also notes his own experience with COVID in 2021, which he managed without receiving the vaccine.

Beyond health discussions, Mr. Rickman expresses a desire to witness the Fiji National Provident Fund taken to court for what he perceives as injustices against pensioners due to previous governmental actions. He wishes to see accountability in the financial treatment of those reliant on national superannuation.

In terms of favorite locations in Fiji, he fondly remembers Nadarivatu for its unspoiled environment and acknowledges Vuda Marina as a favorite dining spot due to its ambiance and reasonably priced offerings. He also shares his preference for cocoa seasoned with chili and sweetened with honey over traditional coffee or tea.

Despite extensive travels throughout Fiji, he finds it challenging to identify a new destination that intrigues him, given his prior experiences serving on the Hotel Licensing Board.

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