Lessons of Kindness: Celebrating the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad

During the celebrations for Prophet Muhammad’s birthday at Andrew’s Primary School in Nadi on Friday, Ashfaaq Khan, managing director of Al Hamd and trustee of the school, emphasized the importance of kindness and respect in his speech. He highlighted Prophet Muhammad as a universal role model and shared insights into his life.

Khan noted that Muhammad was born in Mecca and faced numerous challenges from an early age, including losing both parents by the age of six, which left him an orphan. Despite these difficulties, he grew to be known for his honesty and kindness, earning the nickname “Al-Amin,” meaning “the trustworthy.”

He remarked on the profound impact of Muhammad’s teachings, which continue to inspire millions around the globe. Khan pointed out the significance of Muhammad’s character, noting that he treated everyone with respect and had a special love for children, often playing with his grandchildren, Hasan and Husayn. He conveyed Muhammad’s teaching: “Be kind to the young ones and respect the elders,” highlighting the importance of kindness and respect in society.

Khan also underscored Muhammad’s compassion for the poor and his emphasis on assisting others. He admired Muhammad’s honesty and commitment to keeping promises, demonstrating the value of truthfulness. Even in challenging times, Muhammad remained patient and resilient, promoting the idea of equality among all people, regardless of race or status.

Furthermore, Khan stressed the value Muhammad placed on education and the pursuit of knowledge, which aid in personal growth and understanding of the world. He shared that Muhammad’s story serves as a powerful reminder that anyone can achieve greatness through kindness, honesty, and perseverance, regardless of their starting point in life.

He concluded his speech by encouraging attendees to embody the compassion exemplified by Muhammad in their daily lives. By helping others, being truthful, and showing respect, individuals can create a positive impact. He invited everyone to learn more about Muhammad’s qualities and aspire to integrate them into their lives for the betterment of their school and community.

Khan expressed gratitude to the Head Teacher, staff, and committee members for organizing the event and praised the students for their attentive listening, urging them to strive for a kinder future together.

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