Lessons of Kindness: Celebrating the Legacy of Prophet Muhammad

During the celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday at Andrew’s Primary School in Nadi on Friday, Ashfaaq Khan, managing director of Al Hamd and a trustee of the school, emphasized the importance of treating everyone with kindness and respect. Khan addressed teachers, visitors, and students, highlighting that Prophet Muhammad serves as a role model for all.

In his speech, Khan noted that Prophet Muhammad was born in Mecca and faced numerous challenges from an early age, having lost his father before he was born and his mother at six years old, which left him an orphan. Despite these hardships, he grew to be known for his honesty and kindness, earning the title “Al-Amin,” meaning “the trustworthy.” Today, millions worldwide adhere to his teachings and hold him in high regard.

Khan expressed admiration for how someone from the deserts of Arabia, who overcame significant obstacles, could inspire so many people. He remarked on the importance of learning about the character of Prophet Muhammad, who exemplified kindness and respect for all individuals, regardless of their background. Khan recalled how the Prophet expressed love for children, often playing with his grandsons, Hasan and Husayn, and advocating for kindness towards the young and respect for the elderly.

He emphasized the Prophet’s deep compassion for the less fortunate and his encouragement to assist those in need. Additionally, Khan underscored the value of honesty and keeping promises, pointing out that such qualities are essential in today’s world. He highlighted the Prophet’s patience and resilience in tough times, as well as his belief in equality regardless of race or social status—a lesson still relevant today.

Khan also spoke on the significance of seeking knowledge, as encouraged by the Prophet, stating that understanding fosters personal growth. He concluded by inspiring his audience to embody the virtues of kindness, honesty, and hard work, just like Prophet Muhammad.

Khan expressed gratitude to the Head Teacher, staff, and committee members for organizing the event, as well as appreciation for the students who listened attentively. He urged everyone to work together towards a more compassionate and brighter future.

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