Legal Drama Unfolds: Sayed-Khaiyum and Saneem Face Court Charges

Resident Magistrate Joji Boseiwaqa has issued a ruling regarding former Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum’s request to merge the charges against him and former Supervisor of Elections, Mohammed Saneem. The magistrate stated that he could not hear arguments from both the Defense and the State as the case is currently assigned to Magistrate Yogesh Prasad.

Both Sayed-Khaiyum and Saneem were present in court, though Sayed-Khaiyum has been excused from the next hearing scheduled for Tuesday. He faces a charge of abuse of office stemming from a complaint from the Supervisor of Elections, Ana Mataiciwa.

The allegations against Sayed-Khaiyum indicate that between June 30 and July 12, 2022, while serving as Acting Prime Minister, he signed a Deed of Variation and Addendum between the Government and Saneem. It is claimed that this agreement allowed for government payment of Saneem’s taxes without the necessary approvals from the Constitutional Offices Commission and the President.

Saneem, on the other hand, faces a charge of receiving a corrupt benefit. The allegations suggest that between June 1 and July 31, 2022, while acting as Supervisor of Elections, he solicited and received a benefit exceeding $50,000 in tax relief on back pay from a senior government official without proper authorization.

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