The Acting Commissioner of Police, Juki Fong Chew, has expressed his support for Rusiate Tudravu, who has been appointed as the new Commissioner of Police (COMPOL). Chew commended Tudravu’s background and expertise, highlighting his previous experience as acting COMPOL and his insights during the external assessment of the police force.
Chew emphasized the importance of unity within the police, encouraging officers to support Tudravu as they did during his own tenure. “He is coming in with a fresh perspective,” Chew remarked, reflecting on the successes and challenges faced during his two-year term, which is now coming to an end.
During a ceremony honoring over 300 police officers, both retired and active, Chew urged the force to stay positive and focused on serving the people of Fiji. Each officer received a medal of honor for their dedicated service, underscoring the value of commitment to the nation.
In response to inquiries regarding his new role, Tudravu acknowledged Chew’s leadership and indicated that he would maintain a low profile for the time being, promising to address the public at a later date. He is set to assume his responsibilities as police commissioner next month, while Chew will return to his position as Deputy Police Commissioner after taking leave.
This transition represents a promising new chapter for the Fiji police force, with the anticipation of innovative leadership under Tudravu. The emphasis on support and collaboration among officers reflects a strong commitment to public service and community safety.
Overall, the continued dedication of the police force to meet the needs of the community bodes well for the future of public safety in Fiji.
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