Lavish Dinner Sparks Controversy: PM Defends Extravagance Amid Economic Strains

Crossbench MP Mosese Bulitavu has come to the defense of the extravagant dinner hosted by Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka. The event, held on Tuesday evening at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva, aimed to recognize the contributions of Government Ministers and Assistant Ministers during the past two years in office. The dinner also included the spouses of attendees.

Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry criticized the event as “lavish” and “sickening,” arguing that such extravagance is particularly inappropriate given Fiji’s ongoing reliance on Australia and New Zealand for budget assistance. His remarks have sparked criticism of the government’s financial decisions.

Finance Minister Biman Prasad directed all inquiries regarding the dinner to Prime Minister Rabuka, who was approached for comment but did not respond. This news outlet has also submitted questions and is awaiting a reply.

In his defense, Bulitavu noted that the dinner was funded through the Prime Minister’s Entertainment Account, a budget allocation that has existed for years. He suggested that Chaudhry, who was convicted in 2014 for violating the Exchange Control Act and fined US$1.1 million, should be the least qualified to question Prime Minister Rabuka’s actions.

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