“Land Lease Policy Under Scrutiny: What Changes Are Coming?”

One of the primary topics for discussion in the upcoming Ba Provincial Council meeting pertains to the current land lease policy. Council chairman, Meli Tora, has indicated that the chiefs of Ba are advocating for a review of this policy.

Mr. Tora emphasized the need for a review to ensure that landowners derive greater benefits from the existing arrangements. He noted that landowners are often not consulted when lessees make changes to the land, which can result in disputes and unfair practices.

“The chiefs and landowners want a say in how their land is used and managed. They feel their interests are not being adequately represented under the current policy,” he stated.

The chiefs are hopeful that revisiting the policy will lead to more equitable and advantageous outcomes for the province’s landowners. The upcoming meeting aims to address these issues and explore ways to enhance the consultation process, thus ensuring that landowners are more involved and can benefit from the use of their land.

Discussion on the land lease policy is expected to be a significant focus, highlighting the broader aim of achieving fairer land management practices in the region.

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