Ketan Lal, the Shadow Minister for Justice, has voiced strong opposition to potential fee increases by universities for the upcoming academic year, emphasizing that Fijian families are already grappling with the pressures of a rising cost of living. He argues that while reviewing fees is a common practice, the current economic climate is not suited for such changes.
Lal highlighted the significant challenges faced by ordinary Fijians, who are already dealing with soaring prices and overall economic uncertainty. He acknowledged the existence of the Tertiary Scholarship and Loans Scheme (TSLS) designed to assist students but pointed out that many may opt for private education due to stringent bond requirements set by the Government, making any fee hikes an additional hardship.
The Shadow Minister challenged the Prime Minister’s proclamation of 2025 as a “special year,” questioning how such a designation can be valid when families are struggling and students face escalating educational costs. He called for actionable solutions rather than merely verbal commitments.
Moreover, Lal urged universities to show empathy towards students and their families by delaying any proposed fee increases, and called on the Government to take steps to ensure that access to education remains feasible for everyone. He stressed the importance of real leadership focused on enhancing the lives of citizens rather than merely making grand statements.
This highlights a critical conversation about the importance of accessible education amidst challenging economic conditions. It is a call to action that could resonate with many, encouraging both educational institutions and the government to prioritize the welfare of students and their families during these testing times.
As the nation looks towards the future, it’s imperative for leaders to not just talk about change but to implement policies that uplift all citizens, particularly in the realm of education, which is vital for Fijian youth.
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