Lal Questions Focus on Drug Trafficking Over Rape Penalties

Opposition MP Virendra Lal criticized Minister for Women and Children and Social Protection, Lynda Tabuya, for her comments on implementing the death penalty for drug trafficking, stating that the focus should instead be on harsher penalties for crimes like rape.

Lal acknowledged that drug traffickers contribute to the social issues in Fiji but questioned why the discussion only centered on drug offenses. As the Shadow Minister for Women, he expressed his disapproval of the Minister’s stance, highlighting that there are more severe crimes deserving of stronger repercussions, particularly rape and child sexual abuse.

He emphasized the lifelong emotional and psychological damage faced by victims, who often see minimal consequences for their attackers. Lal asked why a rape survivor should endure trauma throughout their life only to have the perpetrator released after a short time.

He expressed concern that this cycle leaves victims in fear of retribution from their assailants. Lal urged the Minister to focus on addressing more significant issues and suggested reviewing laws to impose life sentences on serious offenders, ensuring better protection for women and children in society.

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