Koro Island’s Road Woes: A Growing Concern for Local Businesses

Maintenance of access roads on Koro Island is urgently needed, according to Cawa district representative Sekaia Bolabola. He highlighted that the deteriorating road conditions are becoming a significant concern, particularly for businesses that rely on transportation from the mainland.

Bolabola noted that numerous complaints regarding the access roads have been brought to his attention by local business operators. While he expressed appreciation for the past road maintenance efforts, he stressed the necessity for more substantial repairs to accommodate larger vehicles that are vital for transporting goods.

He explained that four-wheel drives, carriers, and trucks play a crucial role in supplying the island’s residents, with some transporting goods back to Suva. Bolabola pointed out the growing business activities on Koro, citing the export of yaqona and crops that need to reach the jetty, as well as the delivery of goods to local villages, particularly those with cooperatives.

He also mentioned the adverse impact of poor road conditions on local businesses, leading to damage to products during transport. “It pains me to see how it affects these business owners, as many of their products get damaged along the way,” he said. Bolabola acknowledged the assistance of Ben Naidu, who helps deliver goods to various villages and purchases crops from farmers.

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