Koro Island’s Education Shift: Protecting Our Future in a Changing World

The Minister of Justice, Siromi Turaga, is urging parents on Koro Island to enroll their children at Koro High School rather than in urban schools due to various social issues impacting Viti Levu. His comments were made during a community discussion at Nasau Village in Mudu.

“We need to protect our children at all times on our island. When our Year 13 students are at Koro High School, I strongly encourage you to send your children here,” Mr. Turaga stated.

He highlighted the stark differences in urban environments, mentioning the rising dangers and prompting parents to reconsider the safety of their children by opting for Koro High School instead, before they move on to tertiary education.

Mr. Turaga announced that new educational programs are set to be launched at the school, including TVET programs. He revealed that the government has decided to fund a salary for the school chaplain, emphasizing the importance of their presence in schools for fostering a supportive environment.

“Education was brought to Fiji by missionaries, and we will continue this tradition. In the absence of chaplains, a different generation seems to emerge. We have much work to do, and today is important as we come together to listen to one another,” he said.

Vonevate Vetaukula, the Tui Nasau of Nasau Village, shared that the village plans to purchase internet data from Starlink Services to better support its students’ educational needs.

Currently, Koro High School serves around 300 students.

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