Koro Islanders Seize New Opportunities for Development

The residents of Koro have been presented with a new opportunity to discuss their developmental needs and other pressing issues. This occasion was marked by a visit from Justice Minister Siromi Turaga, who led a delegation of 40 members to the island last week. Minister Turaga noted that this was the largest ministerial delegation ever to visit Koro, providing islanders a platform to communicate their concerns directly with Cabinet ministers.

One of the significant concerns raised by the locals during the discussions was the dire state of the island’s roads. There is also a pressing need for vehicle repair services on Koro. District officer Salanieta Baleigau expressed that the road conditions were unacceptable and that vehicles were often in need of repair. To address this, the Ministry of Maritime and Rural Development plans to establish the Naunu Tyre Centre project this financial year, aimed at supporting the over 30 vehicles on the island.

Baleigau highlighted that the Fiji Roads Authority has allocated approximately $2.1 million for this financial year for the maintenance of road crossings at Namacu, Nabuna, Mudu, and Sinuvaca. She noted that the neglected condition of the roads had become an ongoing concern.

The scarcity of government vehicles to facilitate official work on the island was another issue discussed with Minister Turaga. Baleigau indicated a lack of manpower and resources for the Fiji Roads Authority, which affected various governmental departments, including agriculture, health, and the police. Each station currently has only one vehicle, and when any vehicle is taken for maintenance on the mainland, the remaining ones struggle to manage the workload, impacting overall productivity.

Additionally, there are concerns regarding staffing at health facilities on the island. The Nacamaki Nursing Station is vacant, while the Nabasovi station went without a replacement for three months earlier this year. The main station in Nasau is minimally staffed, raising worries about service delivery.

Education remains a priority in Koro, with Koro High School achieving high pass rates in national examinations last year. With a dedicated staff of 23, the school aims to improve performance further this year.

Development projects are in the pipeline, including the construction of a jetty at Nabuna Bay to alleviate berthing challenges and assist nearby jetties during bad weather. There are also plans for a five-star hotel, expected to enhance economic activity and job opportunities in the region, alongside projects for an ice plant and fisheries station.

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