Koro Island Students Caught in Drug Dealing Scandal

Students on Koro Island have been discovered engaging in marijuana possession and distribution within their school, as reported by Tevita Vunileba, chairman of the Koro Island Crime Prevention Committee. In an interview, Vunileba revealed that Koro High School educators, law enforcement, and the committee had previously identified and counseled these students earlier this year.

According to Vunileba, some students were directed to transfer to other schools, while others faced expulsion. He noted that certain students had been coerced into selling marijuana on behalf of dealers. “There were three to four middlemen involved. The profits from these sales pass through these middlemen before reaching the original supplier,” he explained.

Investigations indicated that the students involved in this illicit activity were repeat offenders, having been suspended multiple times. “They were suspended three to four times, and ultimately, the school decided to expel them,” Vunileba stated, expressing concern that primary school students could be influenced by those engaging in drug-related activities.

Vunileba praised the cadet program implemented in local schools for establishing a standard of discipline among students. “This year, Koro High School has started the cadet program, and we are grateful. It has transformed the students in many ways.”

He recounted how, leading up to cadet day, students were resistant to cutting their hair, prompting him to set an example by cutting his own hair as the committee chair. “I’m glad the parents were pleased with the outcome,” he added.

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