Koro High School’s Historic Cadet Parade: A New Beginning for Future Leaders

Koro High School celebrated its inaugural Cadet Pass Out Parade on Friday, marking a significant milestone fifty-four years after the school was founded. The event, attended by the local community, showcased the accomplishments of the cadets and laid a foundation for their future.

Juki Fong Chew, the Acting Commissioner of Police, served as the reviewing officer for the parade. He emphasized the importance of the cadets, their parents, the community, and teachers during his remarks. “Normally, the person reviewing the parade is the Chief Guest, but today, the focus is on you—our cadets, your families, and educators. You are the special guests, as you welcome the Fiji Police Force to partner with you in fostering empowerment through this Cadet training,” Chew stated.

In light of recent issues concerning youth crime, Chew offered a paternal perspective. He remarked that while one could discuss crime statistics endlessly, real change hinges on personal discipline. “Discipline is a key determinant in whether you become a criminal. Those who embrace discipline can shape their future. Our lives are dictated by the choices we make. The right or wrong choices depend on your self-discipline and mindset,” he explained.

Addressing the students, Chew encouraged them to reflect and make positive changes. “If you’ve encountered difficulties with your principal or teachers, recognize that it’s not too late to reform. Learn from your past missteps, grow from them, and train your mind to choose wisely for a better tomorrow.”

Chew also directed his message to parents, guardians, and community members, urging them to prioritize the safety and welfare of their children. “Our children are our most significant achievement and investment. I implore you, not just as Acting Commissioner of Police but as a father, to ensure their well-being,” he stated.

He reminded parents to cherish their time with their children, as it is fleeting. “Never grow weary of supporting and guiding them. Be their trusted source of information, which can only be achieved through quality time spent together. Just as we cannot guarantee tomorrow, let us commit to making today safe so they can reach their full potential.”

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