Kindness and Respect: Lessons from Prophet Muhammad’s Legacy

During the celebrations for Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday at Andrew’s Primary School in Nadi on Friday, Ashfaaq Khan, managing director of Al Hamd and trustee of the school, emphasized the importance of kindness and respect towards everyone.

Addressing teachers, visitors, and students, Mr. Khan highlighted that Prophet Muhammad serves as a role model for all individuals. He shared insights into the Prophet’s early life, noting the challenges he faced, including being orphaned at a young age with the loss of his father before his birth and his mother when he was six years old.

Despite these hardships, the Prophet became known for his honesty and kindness, earning the nickname “Al-Amin,” meaning “the trustworthy.” Mr. Khan remarked on the profound impact of Prophet Muhammad’s teachings, which resonate with millions worldwide who admire and respect him today.

Mr. Khan stressed that the lessons from Prophet Muhammad’s character are crucial. He encouraged kindness and respect for all individuals, citing the Prophet’s affection for children and his playful interactions with his grandchildren, Hasan and Husayn. He quoted the Prophet’s words: “Be kind to the young ones and respect the elders,” underscoring the need for compassion in our interactions.

He noted the Prophet’s deep concern for the impoverished and the importance of helping those in need, along with a commitment to honesty and keeping promises. Even amidst adversity, the Prophet demonstrated patience and perseverance.

Mr. Khan pointed out the Prophet’s belief in equality, valuing learning, and urging people to pursue knowledge, which enhances understanding and personal growth. He concluded that Prophet Muhammad’s narrative inspires resilience and positivity, encouraging everyone to embody kindness, honesty, and hard work.

He urged the audience to adopt these virtues in their daily lives and to learn more about the Prophet to inspire a more compassionate and brighter future for their community. Mr. Khan expressed gratitude to the Head Teacher, staff, committee members, and attentive students for their participation in this significant event.

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