Kava Curb: A Call for Family Time and Youth Guidance

The Tui Nadogo, Ratu Ilisaniti Malodali, is urging communities in Nadogo, Macuata, to limit kava consumption to foster stronger family bonds. He emphasizes the importance of fathers spending quality time at home to ensure proper supervision of their children.

Ratu Ilisaniti highlighted that a father figure is essential in a household for maintaining discipline and addressing wrongdoing. He advocates for parents to instill appropriate behaviors and values in their children through religious teachings.

He expressed concern about today’s youth being drawn into technology and criminal activities, which could jeopardize the village’s legacy of unity, peace, and growth. Ratu Ilisaniti stressed that the next ten years are crucial for determining whether youths will be prepared to assume national responsibilities and succeed in life.

He encouraged young people to pursue education and secure stable employment to prevent them from being lured into drug-related activities. In earlier statements, he has warned against marijuana cultivation in the area, urging villagers to focus on legitimate farming practices to enhance their income.

Furthermore, Ratu Ilisaniti believes that collaboration between the community and police should be strengthened, and that families must actively engage their children in religious and traditional activities.

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