Kava Consumption Under Fire: A Call for Family Time and Discipline

Ratu Ilisaniti Malodali, the Tui Nadogo, is urging villagers in Nadogo, Macuata, to limit kava consumption to promote quality family time. He emphasized the importance of fathers being present at home to supervise their children, stating that a father figure is crucial for maintaining discipline within the household. He believes that children should be taught proper behavior through religious and moral teachings from their parents.

Ratu Ilisaniti expressed concern about the influence of technology and potential criminal activities on today’s youth, warning that if left unchecked, these trends could undermine the village’s values of unity, peace, and growth. He noted that the next decade is vital for evaluating whether young people will succeed in life and fulfill their national responsibilities.

He urged the youth to focus on education and securing stable jobs to prevent becoming involved in drug-related activities. In previous statements, he has cautioned against the cultivation of marijuana in the area, encouraging residents to pursue alternative farming methods to enhance their income.

Recognizing the importance of community involvement, Ratu Ilisaniti called for greater engagement at the family level to ensure children participate in religious and traditional activities, complementing the ongoing police-community partnership efforts.

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