Kava Ban: Science or Politics? Discover the Truth Behind Germany’s Controversial Decision!

Dr. Mathias Schmidt, a German kava scientist, asserts that Germany’s ban on kava is rooted in political motivations rather than scientific evidence. He spoke with The Fiji Times about the 24-year-old prohibition enforced by Germany’s Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) and suggested that nations like Fiji, which produce kava, should seek support from Germany’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and the European Union. He pointed out that many within the scientific community are unaware that the ban was based on political choices rather than scientific reasoning.

Dr. Schmidt noted that the EU’s adherence to the ban arose from its respect for Germany’s thorough decision-making process. However, he argues that the decision regarding kava was arbitrary, stemming from a 2000 report of eight liver toxicity cases in Switzerland linked to a kava-containing medication imported from Germany. He emphasized that many European scientists are not informed about the political nature of the ban.

For years, Dr. Schmidt has maintained the belief that kava fell victim to the precautionary principle in European regulations, which place consumer protection in the hands of authorities. He mentioned that regulatory bodies tend to overreact in such situations, and the ban was accompanied by a significant media backlash. He highlighted that following previous failures, German authorities felt pressured to take protective measures, leading them to view the ban as a decision made in the public’s best interest. Unfortunately, once the prohibition was enacted, BfArM has been reluctant to revise its stance for fear of losing credibility.

Despite a German administrative court overturning the ban in 2014, kava remains restricted due to BfArM’s continued opposition.

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