Justice’s Verdict: 9 Years for Despicable Crime Against Vulnerable Victim

A 47-year-old man has been sentenced to 9 years and 9 months in prison by the High Court in Lautoka for raping a deaf and mute girl. In delivering the sentence, Justice Sunil Sharma criticized the defendant for bringing shame upon himself and his family, labeling his actions as “selfish and lustful.”

Justice Sharma emphasized that the accused displayed a complete disregard for the victim, taking advantage of her vulnerability as an innocent individual with special needs. He noted that a lengthy prison sentence was warranted to protect society from the offender.

During the court proceedings, it was revealed that on December 15, 2020, the accused offered the victim a ride home but instead took her to a hotel in Votualevu. Once there, he forcibly removed her from the car, booked a room, and assaulted her. In the hotel room, he stripped her of her clothing and violated her, using a piece of soap and two cigarette butts in the attack.

Following the incident, the victim reported the crime to the police, underwent a medical examination, and the accused was subsequently arrested, interrogated, and charged.

Justice Sharma pointed out several aggravating factors in the case, including the breach of trust and the level of premeditation involved in the crime. He remarked on the accused’s calculated actions as he recognized the victim’s disabilities and exploited her situation.

The impact of the crime on the victim was also highlighted, with Justice Sharma noting that she expressed feelings of fear, shame, and humiliation as a result of the assault.

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