Journey from Nadi to the Bar: Meet Fiji’s Rising Legal Star

Shyyal Kumar attributes her strong sense of direction to the loving yet firm guidance of her parents. The 24-year-old recently celebrated a significant milestone by graduating with a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of the South Pacific in Suva.

This achievement marks a step closer to her aspirations, but Shyyal remains grounded, acknowledging the hurdles she faced along her journey. She recalls the late nights dedicated to completing assignments and studying lecture materials, as well as the sacrifices made, including time spent away from her family and friends in Nadi.

Reflecting on her graduation day, Shyyal noted that the moment she received her diploma felt surreal and emotional. “The four years of studying were tough, especially moving to Suva, which was a considerable change. I faced pressure from leaving my comfort zone and adapting to a new city,” she shared.

Shyyal credits her parents for her success, stating, “They were always there for me during tough times when I felt worried or lonely. They never pushed me to become a lawyer; it was my choice how to pursue this career.”

Coming from Votualevu in Nadi, she recognized the challenges of living independently in Suva, but the support from her parents provided her with reassurance. “I feel very honoured and blessed because it’s all thanks to my parents and their hard work and love,” she expressed.

As she embarks on her legal career, Shyyal aims to make her family proud as she prepares to become the first lawyer in her family. She expressed her ambition to work with the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP) as a criminal lawyer, emphasizing her commitment to improving the justice system in Fiji. “We are witnessing a rise in crime, and we need skilled criminal lawyers to promote fairness and justice,” she stated.

With her degree completed, Shyyal is now focused on obtaining her Professional Diploma in Legal Practice (PDLP) and hopes to be admitted to the bar soon. She advises aspiring lawyers in Fiji to stay dedicated and focused. “If you aim to be a lawyer, consistency and determination are key. You must give your best effort and commit fully to your goals.”

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