Journaling Prompts for Calming Anxiety

Thank you for taking time out to read Bula Vakasaama, a column dedicated to enlightening readers about practical strategies for optimal mental health and mind wellness.

Today’s topic focuses on understanding the intricacies of anxiety and how journaling can help calm the anxious heart.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of exaggerated or imagined reality. When we overthink something and make it bigger than it is, we are exaggerating reality. When we overthink and start imagining things that we fear may happen but are not happening, we are imagining a false reality at that moment.

Anxiety puts the body through stress. This triggers the brain to release stress hormones, mainly cortisol, causing the body to feel overwhelmed. This often results in symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweaty palms, dry mouth, fatigue, constant worrying, fear of going outdoors, and avoiding interaction with people.

Is it natural to experience anxiety?

It’s natural to yearn for certainty in outcomes in our daily lives. However, it’s not always possible to know what tomorrow holds or even the next few hours. Uncertainties can evoke anxiety even in the calmest individuals. The barrage of negative news can further disrupt our mental and emotional balance.

The more you obsess over uncertainties, the greater the intensity of your anxiety symptoms. Take comfort in knowing that accepting the present moment, no matter how painful it might be, is essential to ease this suffering. Acknowledge and accept the present moment and decide upon a course of action based on the information available now.

My personal struggle with anxiety

A few days after my brain tumor surgery, I experienced severe depression and intense anxiety daily. With no family support and challenging financial and health issues, obsessing about the future plunged me deeper into dark thoughts.

One day, I read a self-help book that explained surrendering to the present moment. It described a scenario where you prepare for a storm, ensuring safety and then remaining calm during its occurrence. The actual moment of the storm belongs only to God. Accepting this and surrendering to the present moment means acknowledging that while you can prepare and analyze, you can’t control everything.

Trying hard to control everything only causes more pain and anguish. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, remember that surrendering your storm to God will calm you. This too shall pass.

Journaling prompts to help you calm your anxious heart

Write about your ideal life in detail. Paint a visual picture with words. This is your personal expression for your eyes only. Consider the following prompts:

– What is the kind of life you would love to live?
– Describe your dwelling.
– Where do you live?
– How do you spend your time?
– Who are the people in your life?
– How is your mental, emotional, and physical health?
– Do you travel? If so, where and why?
– How is your financial situation?
– How are you of service to others?
– What activities do you do to relax?
– What do you do to be creative?
– How are you connecting with God in your ideal life?

PRINCESS R LAKSHMAN is a counsellor, clinical nutritionist, writer, narrative therapist, and certified life coach. She is passionate about mind wellness and an advocate for kindness and self-care. She lives in Sydney and will soon open mind wellness hubs in Fiji to provide free mental health counselling and workshops exclusively to Fiji residents. The views expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of this newspaper. She can be reached at

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