Joining Forces: Can Faith Groups Help Combat Fiji’s Drug Crisis?

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Professor Biman Prasad, has called upon religious organizations in the nation to assist the government in addressing drug-related challenges. Speaking at the 50th anniversary of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Fiji on Saturday, he expressed concern over the increasing presence of hard drugs in the country.

“We have observed a troubling rise in drug cases among students and the youth,” he stated. “This must be halted immediately.” He emphasized the vital role faith-based organizations can play in combating drug issues.

“I strongly believe that organizations like ISKCON can significantly contribute to our anti-drug efforts. This collaboration is essential as we unite to tackle the social issues affecting our community,” he noted.

He urged everyone to embrace principles of humility, service, and devotion to effectively combat the social challenges confronting their communities and to aspire toward a future of peace, progress, and reconciliation.

Prof. Prasad highlighted that ISKCON Fiji advocates a lifestyle that resonates with the government’s vision of nation-building, emphasizing love and unity through shared values of sustainability and environmental awareness. “By promoting simplicity, self-sufficiency, and harmony with nature, ISKCON reflects a mindful and respectful way of living within our environment. This approach is not only ecologically sound but also spiritually fulfilling, fostering a closer connection with divine creation.”

He acknowledged ISKCON’s humanitarian efforts as a reflection of society’s compassion and commitment to service, noting that during natural disasters and crises, ISKCON devotees have been at the forefront, providing relief to those in need. “Their actions represent the highest spiritual principles—selflessness, kindness, and steadfast dedication to the welfare of others,” he said.

Prof. Prasad also commended ISKCON’s influence on the younger generation. He pointed out that by instilling values of human life, moral discipline, and responsible citizenship, ISKCON is shaping future leaders grounded in spiritual principles and committed to the greater good. “The teachings of dharma and the sanctity of life imparted by ISKCON are essential guiding tools for the youth, leading them toward integrity, compassion, and leadership.”

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