In the heart of Koronivia, Nausori, a remarkable business is thriving, thanks to the creativity and collaboration of a mother-daughter duo, Sedula Devi and her daughter Simran Prasad. Their brand, Beaded Treasures, specializing in handmade jewellery, has been flourishing for four years, evolving from a necessity to support educational expenses into a beloved business.
The journey began when Simran, a student at the University of the South Pacific, faced challenges with rising fees and transportation costs. To alleviate her financial burden, she started crafting her own jewellery. Recognizing her daughter’s artistic talent, Ms. Devi joined forces with Simran to transform the small project into a successful venture.
Reflecting on their beginnings, Ms. Devi noted, “We started when she was in university, and it was difficult for her to afford bus fare and fees. Making jewellery together sparked the growth of our business.” Today, Beaded Treasures not only supports Simran’s education but has also become a source of joy and pride for both, showcasing their unique and vibrant creations.
Simran’s passion for jewellery design blossomed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially seeking a special piece for her graduation, she crafted her first piece from supplies she found locally. This newfound interest grew, leading them to sell their creations at local markets, including Thurston Garden and the Rock Market.
Their success is further attributed to the knowledge gained through the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE), a program providing essential resources for business development. Ms. Devi found the AWE program instrumental in refining their practices, stating, “The AWE program was really educational and informative. I learned so much, and it helped me grow our business to where it is today.”
At the core of their entrepreneurial story is a powerful message of resilience and confidence. Ms. Devi encourages others to embrace their talents, saying, “If you know you have talent, use it. It’s all about confidence.” Simran echoes this sentiment, advising aspiring entrepreneurs to persist despite challenges: “There’s always light at the end of the tunnel, and eventually, you’ll get to where you want to be.”
Beaded Treasures continues to evolve, offering custom-made jewellery and a variety of boho-inspired designs. Each handcrafted piece reflects the dedication and creativity of the mother-daughter team, demonstrating how passion and family support can drive success.
Their story is a shining example of how small beginnings, fueled by determination and love, can flourish into a thriving business that not only enriches their lives but also inspires others within the community. The journey of Sedula and Simran Devi underscores the sentiment that with hard work, dreams can indeed be transformed into beautiful realities.
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