Japan’s Gift: New Classrooms Open Pathways to Learning in Fiji

Japan’s Ambassador to Fiji, Michii Rokuichiro, encouraged students at Dreketi Central College in Macuata last Friday to embrace knowledge and pursue academic growth. The ambassador, along with Coalition Government assistant ministers, including Finance Minister Biman Prasad, attended a ceremony marking the handover of three newly built classrooms funded by the Japanese Government.

The project, which cost $333,784, was made possible through the Japanese Government’s Grant Assistance for Grassroots Human Security Projects (GGP) program. Ambassador Rokuichiro highlighted that the new classrooms symbolize a gateway to knowledge and educational development. In addition to the classroom construction, the college also received three tables and chairs for teachers, along with 120 new desks and chairs for students.

He urged the students to take ownership of the resources provided and to use them wisely. “We have a strong bilateral relationship with Fiji, and education is an area where we consistently provide support,” he stated.

Minister Prasad expressed pride in seeing his former school benefit from enhanced infrastructure. He thanked the ambassador and noted that the new classrooms would greatly benefit all students at the college.

School manager Savenaca Vakacego remarked on his relentless pursuit to ensure the construction of cyclone-resilient classrooms. Having served as the school manager for seven years, he praised the timely funding from the Japanese government. “Your assistance will never be forgotten by our community, students, teachers, and parents,” he expressed.

Vakacego noted the challenges faced from the project’s inception to its realization and acknowledged the patience required in the process. Currently, the school has an enrollment of 364 students from Years 9-13, and it also operates a technical college.

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