The police are currently investigating a situation involving two crew members from Virgin Australia in Nadi, which is classified as an alleged sexual assault. According to Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Crime Mesake Waqa, the incident was initially reported as rape. However, the categorization has been adjusted to sexual assault as the inquiry proceeds to determine the precise nature of the allegations.
Mr. Waqa explained that to classify an incident as rape, specific legal criteria must be met, and police are diligently gathering evidence to understand the facts surrounding the case. He emphasized that the current situation remains an allegation, and police are prioritizing the investigation to ascertain whether it constitutes rape.
So far, statements have been collected from the two crew members involved, and there have been no charges made at this stage. Waqa reassured the public that the investigation takes precedence, and appropriate charges will be based on the gathered evidence.
In a separate matter, Tourism Fiji has chosen not to comment on a related incident involving two tourists who reported being robbed and assaulted in Nadi on New Year’s Day. Tourism Fiji CEO Brent Hill acknowledged being aware of the occurrence but refrained from providing additional details, directing inquiries to the Ministry of Tourism instead.
As of now, information regarding the incident remains limited, and efforts by local media to secure interviews with representatives from the airline have not succeeded. The police investigations are ongoing, and further updates are anticipated as more information becomes available.
This incident serves as a reminder of the need for thorough investigations in allegations of sexual assault, ensuring that justice is served and the rights of all parties are respected during the process.
In conclusion, while the investigation is still in its early stages, the commitment of the police to prioritize this case offers hope that the truth will soon emerge, allowing for appropriate actions to be taken.
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