Police are currently probing a viral video that allegedly shows a student from Swami Vivekananda College (SVC) confronting an individual with a weapon at the Nadi Bus Stand. The incident has raised serious concerns from former students and the bus association, who are urging a collective response from all stakeholders to prevent future occurrences.
The video, which surfaced on Monday, depicts the student in school uniform reportedly confronting and assaulting another person. Rohit Latchan, general secretary of the Fiji Bus Operators Association, emphasized the importance of cooperation among stakeholders to avert such incidents.
“It’s an unfortunate incident. The safety of passengers and drivers, including those in and out of the bus, is paramount,” Latchan said. “Stakeholders such as police and education need to collaborate to ensure such incidents do not happen.”
Police spokesperson Wame Bautolu confirmed that the investigation is underway. “A video in circulation on social media where a student and another individual are involved in a fight at the Nadi Bus Stand is being investigated,” he stated. Bautolu added that two assault reports have been received, one from the student’s parents and another from the individual involved.
SVC school manager Swami Bhadreshananda stated that the school management has met to discuss the incident and is awaiting guidance from the Ministry of Education. School principal Rajesh Krishna echoed this sentiment: “The matter is with police. We are also waiting for the ministry to decide what action to be taken.”
Kesaia Koto, an SVC alumna, expressed concern about the incident’s impact on the school’s reputation. “The school is well-known for building noble characters, and such incidents undermine its reputation,” she said. “We are not proud of the video. Current students need to understand the school has been thriving for many years. Let’s not be children who throw tantrums when we don’t get our way.”
Permanent Secretary for Education Selina Kuruleca confirmed that the incident occurred two weeks ago. “I’m waiting for the report from the divisional education officer West,” she said. “The senior education advisor has been asked to verify all information. We’ll provide counselling support to the student and meet with the parents.”
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