Inspiring Resilience: How a Young Boy Overcame Years of Cancer Struggles

Ten-year-old Autiko Kamaiwaca has maintained a resilient and optimistic outlook on life despite undergoing seven years of medical treatment for Wilms Tumor, a rare kidney cancer primarily affecting children. His mother, Luisa Nauvaci, recounted how Autiko was diagnosed with this cancer in 2017 at the age of three while they lived in Kashmir, Lautoka.

Wilms Tumor, also known as nephroblastoma, is the most common kidney cancer in children, frequently affecting those aged between three and four. The diagnosis came after Luisa noticed a swelling on the right side of Autiko’s body when drying him after a shower. Initially assuming the swelling was minor, Luisa took him to the Kamikamica Health Centre, where doctors referred them to Lautoka Hospital.

Upon arrival at the hospital, Autiko was immediately admitted for further examination. A scan revealed that one of his kidneys was swollen, and he was diagnosed with cancer. Luisa expressed relief that his infected kidney had not burst, which could have been life-threatening.

Autiko underwent extensive treatment, including chemotherapy, which resulted in hair and weight loss. His treatments were closely monitored by his family, with his grandfather and father supporting him during his hospital stays as Luisa was pregnant at the time.

Despite the challenges, including financial difficulties and job loss in the family, Luisa remained grateful for the support they received. She credits her father for selling produce at the market to help the family during tough times.

Now a Year Five student at Loma Primary School, Autiko shows no signs of his past struggles. Luisa noted his positive demeanor when he is with friends and participating in sports. She reflects on the strength he has exhibited throughout his journey, feeling thankful to have had the support of organizations like WOWS Kids, who provided food and essential items during their toughest times.

The family has now relocated to Narata along Valley Road in Sigatoka, where Autiko continues to thrive as a happy and resilient child, undeterred by his past battles with illness.

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