A new development in the illegal drug industry has been identified, with government number plates appearing to be used in the transportation and sale of drugs. This discovery was revealed by the Fiji Police Force, who explained that unregulated drug dealers are employing new methods to distribute their products, including the use of both authentic and counterfeit government plates.
This information emerged at routine traffic checkpoints where the Fiji Police Force regularly stops vehicles for inspections. The police statement added that their strategy includes raising awareness among drivers about public safety concerns and crime trends, stressing this is part of their daily duties.
In the ongoing battle against illicit drugs, the public has been urged to play their part. It’s emphasized that the responsibility to combat this issue should be shared across all layers of society.
Last week, the government initiated the National Counter Narcotics Strategy for the period 2023 to 2028. The strategy aims to address the growing challenge of illicit drug trafficking in Fiji, an issue compounded by various contributory factors.
In response to the escalating drug problems, the establishment of a Narcotics Bureau has been approved by the Cabinet. In the 2024-2025 National Budget, a sum of $2 million will be allotted for the bureau, to operate under the Ministry of Home Affairs. Minister for Finance, Biman Prasad, outlined that the bureau will concentrate on various areas, including investigations, law enforcement, intelligence gathering, and collaboration with key agencies.
Prasad also revealed that the Ministry of Home Affairs has launched the Counter Narcotics Strategy 2023-2028 focusing on seven key areas. These include demand reduction, supply reduction, harm reduction, legal reform, data collection, development of a Drug Court, and international cooperation.
Regarding the budget, the police have been allocated $226.8 million which reflects a $43.1 million increase from the 2023-2024 budgetary allocation. A further plan to set up a drug rehabilitation center in Fiji has been announced by Mr. Prasad who disclosed details of a 13-year tax holiday including duty-free importation of required capital goods meant for establishing the center.
Businesses that contribute to any drug rehabilitation center will receive full tax deductions. As per Prasad, despite encouraging NGOs, the government has been looking into options for setting up such institutions.