i-Taukei Affairs Act Review: What Changes Are Coming?

The Minister for i-Taukei Affairs, Ifereimi Vasu, has announced that the Review Team responsible for examining the i-Taukei Affairs Act is expected to complete its work and submit its findings within this month. Vasu emphasized that the primary goals of this review are to enhance economic opportunities for the i-Taukei and to reinforce Vanua governance.

In response to an inquiry regarding the progress of the review by the Ministry of i-Taukei Affairs, Vasu explained that the team’s efforts are being coordinated with the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG). The review process is structured into five distinct phases, with updates presented to the SAG throughout.

The review team has engaged with various groups, including religious organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations (CSOs), university students, i-Taukei institutions, stakeholders, women’s groups, statutory bodies, provincial councils, and the wider public.

Vasu stated that the Review Team has consulted a diverse cross-section of the community, and during these discussions, many Fijians expressed their support for maintaining the i-Taukei administration. However, they also indicated the need for significant changes in how the system operates, urging that it should address current issues that influence today’s developmental agenda.

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