i-Taukei Affairs Act Review Set to Transform Governance and Employment

The Minister for i-Taukei Affairs, Ifereimi Vasu, has announced that the Review Team responsible for assessing the i-Taukei Affairs Act is expected to complete its work and present its findings by the end of this month. Vasu emphasized that the main goals of this review are to enhance the economic employment opportunities for the i-Taukei community and to strengthen governance within the Vanua.

During a recent Oral Question session regarding the progress of the review by the Ministry of i-Taukei Affairs, Vasu explained that the team’s efforts are being guided by the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG). He detailed that the review is structured into five phases, with updates being provided to the SAG at the end of each phase.

The review team has actively engaged with a wide array of stakeholders, including religious organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil society groups (CSOs), university and college students, i-Taukei institutions, women’s groups, statutory bodies, provincial councils, and the general public.

Vasu highlighted that the Review Team has consulted with reputable segments of the community, noting that during these discussions, Fijians expressed their support for the continuation of i-Taukei administration. However, they stressed the necessity for a significant transformation in operational practices. Vasu pointed out that the review must also address contemporary issues that influence today’s development agenda.

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