Housing Authority Scandal: Opposition MP Denies PAC Interview Claims

Opposition MP Praveen Bala has dismissed assertions that the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) approved his appearance as the Minister for Housing in relation to investigations concerning the Housing Authority. The inquiry, conducted by the Office of the Auditor-General, focused on the illegal allocation of lots and misuse of the tender process.

During a session in Parliament, Bala stated, “I was never asked to appear before the Committee.” He urged Esrom Immanuel, the Assistant Minister for Finance and Chairperson of the PAC, to refrain from making broad statements in Parliament.

In response, Immanuel claimed that the Committee had reached out to Bala via email, followed by a phone call from a Committee Member.

The investigation revolved around issues related to the unlawful allocation of lots and the exploitation of the tender process, which resulted in questionable and inappropriate lot ownership by both individuals and Housing Authority employees. Immanuel noted that the situation came to light after concerned citizens expressed their grievances to the then Minister for Housing, Premila Kumar, who subsequently requested a special investigation conducted by the Office of the Auditor-General, empowered under Section 6(1)(d) of the Audit Act 1969.

He emphasized that the investigation has revealed significant implications, and the Committee believes that those involved should face consequences to deter similar actions and provide clear disciplinary messages to both the public and Housing Authority employees.

Immanuel reported that there are currently 60 cases under the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC), with one case already in court. “We would like to see FICAC facilitate the remaining cases,” he stated.

The report has received commendation from Parliament, and under Standing Order 121(5), the Assistant Minister for Finance has proposed a motion for a future debate regarding the report’s contents.

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