Historic $2M Dividend: A Win for ATS Workers!

Air Terminal Services Employees Trust (ATSET), representing around 300 union workers at Air Terminal Services (ATS), has made a landmark $2 million dividend payment to its members, with most receiving $12,000 each.

The workers are part of ATSET, which holds a 49% stake in ATS, while the government owns the remaining 51%.

“This outstanding achievement highlights the ongoing success and growth of the trust, which advocates for the workers of Air Terminal Services (Fiji) Pte Ltd,” stated ATSET national secretary Rimal Kumar.

He emphasized that the unique ownership structure has enabled ATS employees to actively engage in critical decision-making, encompassing everything from recruitment to the selection of board members.

“This is a testament to the benefits of employee ownership and involvement, allowing ATS staff not only to work for the company but also to share in its profits,” Kumar added.

He noted that this inclusive governance model has played a significant role in enhancing the business’s performance and success.

All unionized ATS workers are beneficiaries of the $2 million dividend.

“As ATS continues to thrive, the trust anticipates further improving the lives of its beneficiaries and contributing to the overall success of the company and Fiji’s economy.”

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