Hindu Sabha Calls for Daily Awareness on Drug Abuse During Krishna Janmashtami

The Shree Sanatan Dharm Pratinidhi Sabha, the largest Hindu organization in Fiji, is encouraging its members to dedicate up to 15 minutes each day to raise awareness about the critical issue of drug abuse. This initiative coincides with the worldwide celebrations of Lord Krishna’s birthday, known as Krishna Janmashtami.

Dhirendra Nand, the national president of the Sabha, emphasized the significance of educating the community regarding drug-related dangers. He stated, “We urge all mandali and mandirs to allocate 10-15 minutes after the usual festivities to talk about the urgent issue of drug abuse.”

Nand believes this collective effort, guided by spirituality, can help lead the youth and society towards a more promising future. He also called on devotees to include special prayers for their Hindu counterparts facing adversity in Bangladesh, expressing a wish for their safety and justice, and invoking Lord Krishna’s blessings for peace.

The week-long celebration commenced on Tuesday, August 20, with Nand inviting all members of the Sanatan community to join in prayer and actively participate throughout the week of devotion and social advocacy. The celebrations will conclude on Monday, August 26.

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