Highlighting the Struggles: The Ongoing Crisis for Persons with Disabilities

The Ministry of Women, Children and Social Protection is actively responding to numerous referrals concerning abuse and neglect involving individuals with disabilities. This was emphasized by acting principal welfare officer West Clement Dari during a recent event in Lautoka.

Mr. Dari noted that despite the ministry’s various initiatives aimed at supporting disabled individuals, they continue to receive such reports. He described the situation on the ground as both touching and real, underlining the need for public awareness and compassion towards people with disabilities.

“It is essential to recognize that people come first, and their disabilities follow,” Mr. Dari stated. He also expressed his gratitude towards caregivers who dedicate their time to support individuals with disabilities, acknowledging the challenges they face. “It’s not an easy job, but I believe that love and care are key to providing for them,” he said, commending caregivers for their vital role.

Additionally, Mr. Dari pointed out that individuals with disabilities often encounter difficulties in accessing quality assistance devices. He acknowledged the efforts of the District Council of Disabled Persons, which is working diligently to make transportation throughout the country more accessible for disabled individuals.

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