High-Stakes Legal Showdown: Sayed-Khaiyum and Saneem’s Court Drama Continues

Former Attorney General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum and Former Supervisor of Elections Mohammed Saneem appeared in the Suva Magistrates Court this afternoon before Magistrate Jioji Boseiwaqa during a special court session.

The case has been postponed until next Tuesday for a hearing regarding two pending applications. The defendants filed for the consolidation of charges, and Saneem has requested the court to dismiss the charge against him.

The hearing will take place before Magistrate Yogesh Prasad. Defense Counsel Devanesh Sharma requested permission for Sayed-Khaiyum to be excused from the hearing next week, and Acting DPP Nancy Tikoisuva did not oppose this request, leading the court to grant the excuse.

Sayed-Khaiyum is facing one charge of abuse of office, which alleges that he authorized government payments for taxes on behalf of Saneem without the necessary approval from the Constitutional Offices Commission and the President. Saneem is charged with receiving a corrupt benefit, having reportedly solicited and accepted an advantage for personal gain while serving as Supervisor of Elections.

The allegations against Saneem claim that between June 1 and July 31, 2022, he unlawfully sought and received more than $50,000 in deductible tax relief on his back-pay through personal dealings with a senior government official.

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