Illustration of Suva Taxi Operators aid Police in arrest of car thief

Heroic Taxi Operators Foil Car Theft Attempt with Kids Inside

Taxi drivers in Suva played an essential role in helping police apprehend a man who attempted to steal a vehicle with two young children inside. The incident occurred last night when a 28-year-old woman was involved in a minor collision on Victoria Parade. As she waited for police assistance, she inadvertently left the keys in the ignition. A man then jumped into the driver’s seat and drove off with the woman’s two daughters in the backseat.

Upon being alerted, the police quickly communicated with taxi operators in the area regarding the stolen vehicle. They effectively broadcast the information via their Radio Transmitters (RT). The stolen vehicle was soon spotted on Rewa Street, where the suspect stopped the car to let the children out.

A taxi operator nearby seized the opportunity to intercept the vehicle, which allowed police to reach the scene and apprehend the suspect. However, the man resisted arrest, assaulting four police officers during the struggle. Despite this, he was taken into custody, and investigations are currently underway.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations (ACPO) Livai Driu lauded the rapid response of the taxi operators. He remarked, “These taxi operators assisted the police in apprehending the culprit, demonstrating the power of working together to prevent crime.” In a show of appreciation, a team from the Totogo Police Station will visit the taxi operators today to express their gratitude for their commendable assistance.

This incident highlights the importance of community collaboration and the proactive role that local businesses can play in enhancing safety and security in their neighborhoods. Such partnerships not only help to apprehend criminals but also foster a sense of unity and vigilance among community members.


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