Harish Sharma: A Political Legacy Unveiled at 92

Harish Sharma, the former Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the National Federation Party (NFP), remains a significant figure in Fiji’s vibrant political landscape. At the age of 92, he recently launched his memoir titled “Road to Parliament: A Glimpse into the Life of Hon. Harish C. Sharma” in Suva.

During the launch event, current NFP leader and Finance Minister Professor Biman Prasad acknowledged Mr. Sharma’s extensive political career, highlighting his collaborations with notable leaders such as NFP founder A.D. Patel, S.M. Koya, and Justice Jai Ram Reddy. Prasad noted, “To almost reach 90 years of age and start writing memoirs is nothing short of a miracle.” He praised Sharma as a person of “humility, kindness, decency, absolute integrity, and honesty.”

In his remarks, Mr. Sharma encouraged the younger generation to set goals and diligently pursue them. He also shared excerpts from his memoir that illustrated the obstacles he encountered throughout his life. The launch was attended by many prominent members of the NFP.

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