Illustration of Dux Honour for Maraia

Happiness in Sacrifice: A Father’s Pride in His Daughter’s Academic Triumph

Waqasaqa Votuwale expressed immense pride as he celebrated his daughter, Maraia Vuniwaqa, being named the dux of Valebasoga Secondary School in Labasa. The 18-year-old achieved this significant recognition during the prizegiving ceremony, scoring an impressive 405 out of a possible 500 in her Year 13 annual examinations.

Mr. Votuwale, a 55-year-old kava farmer from Bouma Village, Taveuni, shared insights into the sacrifices he and his wife made for their children’s education. They decided to move to Valebasoga, Labasa, leaving behind their village life to provide better educational opportunities for their children. “It wasn’t an easy decision for our family,” he reflected, highlighting the challenges they faced.

As the family’s primary provider, Mr. Votuwale prioritized his children’s educational needs, which had previously been a hurdle for him and his wife, who could not complete secondary education due to financial constraints. “I didn’t want that to hold back my children,” he remarked.

Maraia’s outstanding achievement was anticipated by her father, as she had also been named dux during the Fiji Year 12 Certificate Examination. With aspirations of becoming an accountant, Maraia expressed her gratitude for the support and sacrifices made by her parents. “As the head girl, I kept reminding myself to set a good example, and that is why I aimed for the dux award,” she said, emphasizing her commitment to making her parents proud.

This uplifting story not only highlights the importance of education and perseverance but also showcases a family’s dedication to breaking the cycle of financial hardship through the empowerment of their children. Maraia’s accomplishments serve as an inspiration, proving that with hard work and support, anyone can achieve their dreams.

In summary, this article conveys a heartwarming message about family commitment to education and the successes that can arise from perseverance and hard work.


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